Quelle somme Peut-on déposer en liquide à la banque postale sans justificatif ?

Quelle somme Peut-on déposer en liquide à la banque postale sans justificatif ?

Quelle somme Peut-on déposer en liquide à la banque postale sans justificatif ?


Amidst the changes made in banking policies and regulations, many people are not sure about the exact amount of money they can deposit in the Banque Postale without any justification. The new rules have brought about certain realignments in the banking sector, and while these are critical for financial stability, it is essential to have clarity on the amount of money that one can deposit without documentation.

Quelle somme Peut-on déposer en liquide à la banque postale sans justificatif ?

According to recent regulations, it is possible to deposit an amount of euros 1000 or less into a bank account in liquide or cash form. However, if you decide to deposit more than 1000 euros, it is important to present a valid justification for the deposit. This new regulation came into effect in 2015 to help deter money laundering and fraud, and the decision impacts all banks working in France.

Pourquoi ce changement de réglementation ?

The main reason for this change in regulation is to help reduce illegal transactions from unrecognized sources. Any deposit made in cash which is higher than 1000 euros will require a certain level of investigation to ensure that the money being deposited is legitimate. The law is aimed at helping detect fraud in any form and reduce the number of crimes committed through financial transactions.

Comment cela affecte-t-il les versements en liquide ?

Customers of Banque Postale can still make deposits of up to 1000 euros, and such deposits can be made in liquide or cash form. This means that it is still possible to make deposits in the bank without requiring any form of justification. If you have larger amounts requiring deposit, it is advisable to contact the bank to get more information on the documentation required to carry out the transaction.

Desormais , les jours de depot en liquide sont limités

Following the introduction of the new regulations, the number of days when it is possible to make deposits over 1000 euros in liquide or cash form are limited. For customers of Banque Postale, the permitted days for deposits from 1st January 2021 are Monday to Friday, with the exception of bank holidays.


1. Quel est le montant autorisé pour un dépôt en liquide à la banque postale ?

Le montant autorisé pour un dépôt en liquide sans justificatif à la banque postale est de 1000 euros ou moins.

2. Comment déposer une somme supérieure à 1000 euros en liquide à la banque postale ?

Pour déposer des sommes supérieures à 1000 euros en liquide à la banque postale, il est nécessaire de présenter une justification et de contacter la banque pour les formalités à suivre.

3. Quels sont les jours autorisés pour les dépôts en liquide à la banque postale ?

Depuis 1er Janvier 2021, les jours autorisés pour les dépôts en liquide à la banque postale sont du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours fériés.


It is still possible for customers of Banque Postale to make deposits in liquide or cash form without any form of justification, as long as the deposit is at or below 1000 euros. For larger amounts, it is important to provide a valid justification for the deposit; otherwise, it could trigger investigations into the source of the money. The policies were introduced to foster a safer banking system and prevent fraud and money laundering.